The Forgiveness Protocol

As we forgive our debtors . . . Matthew 6:12 The first three requests in the model prayer are all Godward. They involve God’s name, God’s kingdom, and God’s will. In the rest of the prayer, we are instructed to pray about our concerns. First is daily bread, and then comes the matter of our...

“SHADOWS” Can Be Good

Life brings shadows. Close proximity is required to fall under a shadow. In Psalm 23 David spoke of passing through the valley of the “shadow of death” (v. 4). And it’s not just death that cast a dark shadow. There are seasons in life where shadows press in upon us. But not all shadows are bad....

Coronavirus- mania!

People are more frenzied about what “might happen” with the Coronavirus than what is “sure to happen” to all of us eventually.   A bit of perspective here: CDC estimates that, from October 1, 2019, through February 29, 2020, there have been 20,000 – 52,000 flu deaths in America. To date, 38 have died from the...

The Listening Protocol

The Listening Protocol

If any man hear my voice . . . Revelation 3:20 Prayer is two-way communication. Rosalind Rinker said, “Prayer is dialogue between two people who love each other.” It takes two people for prayer—one who speaks and one who listens. Neither party dominates the conversation. God not only listens to our prayers, but He also speaks to...

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